Published on July 22, 2004 By SelfExiled In WinCustomize Talk
I'm designing a new skin. But, this program is so buggy.

1)I've created a compact start menu subskin and it keeps changing the regular start menu to the compact version. The images that I replaced don't stay replaced. They seem to revert.

2)The tray notify arrow for the subskin vertical taskbar won't display. It displays for the horizontal taskbar in the subskin and both in the main skin.

3)When I animate the right side of the start menu(places section) the button on that side disappears. It turns the flat background color. If I just turn the animation rate to zero, meaning no animation, the button reappears. But, I have no animation.

I think this problem with 1) and maybe 2) are related to an old UIS problem. For some reason the proper UIS files are not being created.
Has anyone else encountered these problems? And if so, how did you resolve them?

Is there an offical place to submit program bugs so that they can be addressed in future versions of Windowblinds or Skin Studio? Or at least a place where bugs can be offically acknowledged? How about an ongoing offical bug list and at what version the bugs were fixed?

I keep seeing bug threads,created by the skinners here,but what good are they in resolving the issues? Who decides what bugs will be addressed and what are actually program bugs?

I doubt if the Windowblind and Skin Studio program developers are actually constantly looking for bugs. So, where do they get their information? Thanks.
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on Jul 22, 2004
1)I've created a compact start menu subskin and it keeps changing the regular start menu to the compact version. The images that I replaced don't stay replaced. They seem to revert.

You need to create a couple new files that I cant remember the names of. XPStuff.ini and somethin else. You can do this just by renaming them in the code in SkinStudio.
on Jul 22, 2004
Arg...cant find it....nevermind.
[Message Edited]
on Jul 23, 2004
The best place to report bugs is in the Stardock newsgroups. Tha's what they're for, so the staff are always checking in there to see bugs reports.
You can also use the irc channels and sometimes speak to a developer one to one and report the bugs too.
on Jul 23, 2004
Thanks Hippy.
on Jul 23, 2004
Buggy Skin Studio

For some reason I keep thinking: "The Amish dont use computers!"
on Jul 23, 2004
When you want the substyle to have a different start menu, after you create the new substyle you need to click "taskbar" in the navigation tree in the left hand side of the window, then over on the right click on the word file, and then below, in the "value" text entry field you can change the name from the default (XPStuff.xp).

I ran into the same problem myself with my first attempt at making a compact substyle, much cursing was there verily in the house of Tiggz that day. It's not a program bug as such, although it is fairly hit and miss finding the solution. It sure would be nice if there was a built-in, detailed help system with some of these proggies
on Jul 23, 2004
Thanks Tiggz, I hear you. I'll give your idea a try.
And the Bradites, just tell you to RTFM. Like there is one.
on Jul 23, 2004
I still cant figure out how to zip toolbar icons....I gave up...if people want them,they will just have to dl one of my skins.
on Jul 23, 2004
Heya heya guys

Here's the thing that works...
1. Create two skins or save the original as a different name, then make the modifications to menu. So long as you have two full-blown separate skins.
1. Open up first skin in SKS
2. Go to Insert - New Substyle - Import second or modified skin as substyle
3. Done
on Jul 23, 2004
Thanks Essencay, I'll give your idea a try if I fail at Tiggz idea. Number 3? Anyone? Please.
on Jul 23, 2004
asking questions in the stardock irc channel may be another avenue of help
on Jul 23, 2004
#8 by I.R. Brainiac - 7/23/2004 1:27:02 PM I still cant figure out how to zip toolbar icons....I gave up...if people want them,they will just have to dl one of my skins

I just did exactly that funnily enough - Rogue Proton Blue. I thought what you did with the logoff/shutdown "buttons" on the start menu was pretty cool
on Jul 23, 2004
Stardock has newsgroups for SkinStudio support and bug reports and you can find a link to it on SkinStudio pages. There is support You are also welcome to join the #stardock channel on You may talk to me directly (I'm there most of the time as NoonienSoong - or say "Adam" and the real slim shady will stand up) or state the nature of your emergency in the channel and someone there most certainly will help you. Complaining like that here or on various messageboards is of no use - I try, but I just don't have the time to look at all of them. I got pointed to that thread on IRC. If you however report your bugs in the newsgroup or irc or at it is highly probable that your concern has already have a solution or will be resolved in the next release.
on Jul 23, 2004
#7 by Skinner ChasUGC - 7/23/2004 1:23:52 PM
And the Bradites, just tell you to RTFM.

What's up with all the attacks on Brad?
on Jul 23, 2004
What's up with all the attacks on Brad?

Sorry Hippy and Brad, but it is just a little frustrating at times. For a week, I've been posting messages here and the newsgroup about these problems and basically the only response I've got is "look at Antares" or "nevermind". It seems the only way to get anyones attention was to Rant. I'm apologize for having to do it that way. But, when you spend 80 hours on a skin for free, and want to share it for free, as we all do to promote Stardock's product, it would seem that we shouldn't have to make an "as" of ourselves to get a little help. It seems that I have to deliver another baby by a painful Cesarian section. Once again, I apologize.

(Misspellings were intentional.)
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