Published on May 27, 2003 By SelfExiled In WinCustomize Talk
I'm wondering what's going on with moderation myself now. Last night I updated a sysmetrix skin,"TheKnight". I updated it because of a special request by a citizen. I included a 800x600 version of the skin which I had to resize every image(including animations), even completely redo a image that looked lousy resized because of text, adjust file names so it wouldn't crash when switching the two versions and a few other things. So, I checked the update date too.

But, when it reappeared, there was no update date at all. The original upload date is the same as the update date. I know that it was waiting approval last night and I see that the author information has changed so it was updated. But why is the date the same? Is this a honest mistake by the moderators, or is something "hokey-pokey" going on? I spent a lot of time updating this and I would like people to see the date change in case they wanted this version. Was it not changed because it would move it forward in the pages? I'm wondering. The date should be created - 5/22/03, updated - 5/26/03. What's going on, this time?
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on May 30, 2003

Oh...and according to T-Man it is now fixed.

Date....30/05/2003 US time....31/05/2003 Aus time.

And yet again still no conspiracy...unless this bug had an agenda of its own, but quite frankly I don't speak 'bug-language' so cannot ask him [or her].

Jafo rubs temples along with the rest of the great unwashed...

on May 30, 2003
ewwwww thier is that "bug" thing again.

Sugaree washes just to get the bugs out of her head,

[Message Edited]
[Message Edited]
on May 30, 2003
I was going to say something on the subject but nevermind....I don't want to get a Migraine

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on May 30, 2003
Just in contrast, here's how Essorant handled the issue when he posted his "updated date problem" thread here on the 23rd regarding major updates not showing the new date:

No suggestion of "hokey pokey" or adminstrative bias, just a problem that needed attention.

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on May 30, 2003
Author: n8chi

File size: 54k
Downloads today: 2
Downloads: 2

Created: 5/30/2003
Updated: 5/31/2003

this clock goes great with the theme i'm uploading
on May 30, 2003
No suggestion of "hokey pokey" or adminstrative bias, just a problem that needed attention.

You are absolutely right. It is easy to fix if something went wrong without starting a war.

Thanks for that example. It shows how easy things like that can be solved.
on May 30, 2003
MemberGone...what is your point?
on May 30, 2003 this work in the Newest additions display or the new updates list or what?

Provide a link to it and explain what it is about it that is a problem.

on May 30, 2003
don't have a clue what it's about Paul but here's the link

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on May 30, 2003

Ah for crying out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I found it....the first date is the date of submission to the moderation list and the second date is the date it was approved.

Reason?...We deliberately want to cheat and manipulate innocent people.


Reason?...because if the date of approval isn't set on release to the public and we had left it in moderation for a few days it would never be seen at all in the new additions list at all because the 2 dates would be both old....the date of the submission.

This was a change to make it fair for all, even those whose works were lying in limbo waiting for ages for approval.

Does this make sense to anyone out there?


Bloody's out to get you....

on May 30, 2003
glad you figured it out 'cause it sure went over my head

yrag2 thinks a Bloody paranoia makes for a messy message board

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on May 30, 2003
It’s EVER SO PLEASANT when the uninformed are only informed AFTER the fact. And “truth be told” if SOMEBODY doesn’t bring it to the board and all is “kept on the quiet” then NOBODY knows what is going on behind the scenes! Sometimes bringing it to the board ENLIGHTENS all who are also NOT INFORMED. Do you (admins) really want a thousand letters asking why this or that is not doing this or that? Nope, didn’t think so…which is WHY the board exist methinks…right?

AngEla’s 3 ways to avoid a major Snafu:

1). Inform people RIGHT away if you are messing with things that DO effect artists here in a VERY big way. You are TRYING to change things to HELP artists so since that is the case…please INFORM us so we don’t wax pathetic!
2). Expedient, honest responses are always apropos to ANY sitch but if you as an Admin or even the Site owner can’t explain something please don’t automatically jump down someone’s throat for bringing something up. Kindness and compassion will cool off the heels of even the most irate person versus bashing and gang-mentality. “Oh look at me…I’m jumping on the ‘gang-bang’ wagon to agree with everyone else…ain’t I important?!”
3). Just because changes are being made and YOU ARE IN THE KNOW (admins etc.) does not make us whom are NOT in the know…the ”mealy-mouthed-melodramatic-twits” without minds that often many people like to make us out to be. Logic and reason will quell irrational behavior faster than I can stop on a dime in a Ferrari. Squirrel around an issue without giving a logical answer will just cause much more confusion and questions and misunderstandings. I’d personally rather hear, “I’m sorry about the recent confusion you’ve been having but rest assured we are working on it and I apologize for any misconstrued interpretations you may have had by the lack of information I can give you at this time” rather than, “Your point is invalid, you suck…why are you whining…what is wrong with you? Some people spend a great deal of time dedicating their work and heart to this site…at least treat them with respect if they bring an issue to the board and are upset about it. Nothing, NOTHING is ever resolved by joking at the expense of opinion. Yes, I know…opinions are like a**holes…everyone has one but that doesn’t mean that we should invalidate those who dare to speak them.

Give me heat. Give me death…give me bad breath.

But give me liberty or give me...

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on May 30, 2003
Thanks, Jafo
I'm kinda glad that date thing was fixed for skins in moderation. My last wall was in moderation so long, when it was approved, it didn't even show up on the Newest Additions list. I thought it was my cookies or something but clearing them didn't help. I finally figured out it was just so far down when it came on board it had already dropped off the list. No harm, no foul, though.

I appreciate the work you guys do
on May 31, 2003

Shmoopy...that is all well and good, but on the other hand, whenever something 'odd' or 'unexplained' crops up it is AUTOMATICALLY assumed that it is intentionally devious and sublime in intent and is specifically craft and corruption and favouring one person over another, rather than what it actually is - genuine improvements to the system and coding of the site.

Somehow the admins are forever being accused of conspiratorial acts of prejudice against one person or another.

As I said...'bloody paranoia' is out to get YOU.....

What say we try a brave new approach.  When the next 'new' thing happens, how about someone simply request 'is this a bug or a new feature?', if they are not already aware of it.

Let's not put it 'why is some guy getting his stuff up in the updates and mine isn' are obviously discriminating and nasty and rotten and I'm changing my name to 'buggered-off' cos I hate it/you all, and I will continue to poke and jab inanely till I look like a right idiot'.

Again, prior to all the changes to the 'updating of skins' system, big-name skinners, yes, those with direct upload access were abusing the system because there was no check in place. Now, ALL updates go through moderation [including the admins] as a check whereby it cannot be too frequent.

If the updated skin is less than 10 days from the previous update, or first upload, then it will still go through, but it will not show up in the 'updated skins' display on the list at right so it will not get unfair prominence/exposure above other more legitimate updates.

One problem [in the past, and now fixed] was if we inadvertently left a submission in the 'approval pending' admin area longer than a few days, while other works were being approved the upload [submission] date could be so old that the site coding would not recognise it on approval as a NEW submission and the work would end up so far down the list it would never show on the 'Newest Additions' list at right which was unfair loss of exposure for someone just because we may be unsure of its copyright or whatever and were waiting longer than usual.

Clearly fixing that means that the new handling method in the coding......making the 'update' date the date of approval, rather than the date of submission has meant a much fairer handling for all people's submissions, whether approved the day they are uploaded or approved weeks after uploading...BOTH make it into the 'new additions' list even though the latter has been lying dormant for a few weeks awaiting admin approval.

I hope this makes sense to someone....

on May 31, 2003
pictoratus.....that's exactly why things had to change....people like yourself were being disadvantaged...
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