Published on May 27, 2003 By SelfExiled In WinCustomize Talk
I'm wondering what's going on with moderation myself now. Last night I updated a sysmetrix skin,"TheKnight". I updated it because of a special request by a citizen. I included a 800x600 version of the skin which I had to resize every image(including animations), even completely redo a image that looked lousy resized because of text, adjust file names so it wouldn't crash when switching the two versions and a few other things. So, I checked the update date too.

But, when it reappeared, there was no update date at all. The original upload date is the same as the update date. I know that it was waiting approval last night and I see that the author information has changed so it was updated. But why is the date the same? Is this a honest mistake by the moderators, or is something "hokey-pokey" going on? I spent a lot of time updating this and I would like people to see the date change in case they wanted this version. Was it not changed because it would move it forward in the pages? I'm wondering. The date should be created - 5/22/03, updated - 5/26/03. What's going on, this time?
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on May 31, 2003
#27 any fears/concerns of discrimination
#63 cos I hate it/you all
#63 you are obviously discriminating

Did I mention any of these words? Hate & Discrimination?
I don't think so. Terrible-Nasty words. The two words that are the cause of all our major world problems.

Why couldn't some nice, caring administrator just say; Hey Guy/Girl, there was obviously a mistake. We are sorry if there was an misunderstanding.

Answer: No Problem, end of story.

Instead, there are insults, major hostility, jokes about intelligence, threats and accusations that this member is just another person complaining about discrimination and hatred. Or,(quote) "just another one of those kind of people." That is so cruel and sad.

Artists are giving their free time to make this an awesome site. Are we demanding pay for our free time? Nope. What are we asking? Maybe a little fairness and appreciation.

Instead, when an artist is hurt and concerned, they get:
(#29 sttroopers)
Then stfu lol. (Shut the f*** up) Well, lets check how many skins he has contributed. CHECK -> NADA/NOTHING

This is how artists are appreciated for the free time they spend to share their work with the uncontributing part of the community. Where is the kindness and maybe a little appreciation? Do we spend 30 hours working on a skin freely for this kind of treatment? NOT ME>

And where is the kindness and appreciation from the admins for the artists who are giving their free work? Do I spend 30 hours freely (per skin) for this kind of treatment. NOT ME>

All I see is a lot of bashing and slamming.

I guess we can't try to make the world a better place. When, one can't even get the admins on a website to understand and show caring for another artist who gives their time freely to make this the best skinning site on the net(in the world).(Note: I'm not speaking of my own work.)

But, if one looks at the world, one will see the same problem. A lack of caring and understanding. I guess its all just hopeless. Maybe we are all just hopeless. Maybe humanity is all just.....

I feel most sorry for our children. This is the kind of example we set for them. And we wonder why there are Columbines and 9/11's.(or total disrespect)

Some people will say, "now he's bringing Columbine and 9/11 into this"
Well, to those people I say,"Where do we start?"
on May 31, 2003
That was an interesting thread. You first suggested bad practices by selecting the thread name. When several admins explained the situation the melodrame went on. Then you changed the nick and played the victim.

I am Dutch, so English is not my native language, but even I can understand the satire in parts of Jafo's last post.

Threads like these look like cheap soap operas.
on May 31, 2003

ChasUGC....clearly you have difficulty understanding explanations posted here publicly on this board.

Might I suggest you/we continue this so clarity is restored...via email.

Obviously there is a communication breakdown...

on May 31, 2003
goodmorphing stops dead in her tracks on the way to buy stocks in ti towels and rubber rooms..... if sanity prevails......
on May 31, 2003 the way, if you poke on that email link and send off the email that opens (how convenient!) and include some thoughts and concerns from you, you really will find a human being on the other end who listens....
[Message Edited]
on May 31, 2003
GM is lying about that....I'm actually one of those evil admins who are hell-bent on making life a misery for everyone.....ain't that right, Diane?...
on May 31, 2003
> ...of course she's lying!
..But why would she lie?
...cause she's a fool?, I can hardly believe that! She is here isn't she?
then she must know what she is talking about!
!!!goodmorphing thinks the WC site is a work in progress, as is almost everything in life, and it is no surprise to find some things confusing, or simply not working right. Therefore, given that everyone I know is only human, and therefore coders, administrators, skinners, posters.... everyone else is too, then I just am not going to spend that much energy trying to find fault! Most of the time, given some time things become clear to me. and if they don't I check them out by clicking on a link very similar to the one offered above. Of course, no one ever sees that, so my efforts are unknown, I remain relativly unknown (thank goodness). I don't do my best learning in public... therefore my act of being is not a shiny bright star. But I like to think it still shines. One thing I know for sure, click on any of the emails addresses for the admins, moderators, and most of the 'customers' here and you will find a human being.

on May 31, 2003
on May 31, 2003

How'd you do that?

Never mind....I'll never understand this HTML stuff...

on May 31, 2003's that intense guy that did it... >

on May 31, 2003
#65  by  MemberGone - 5/31/2003 1:42:41 AM

Why couldn't some nice, caring administrator just say; Hey Guy/Girl, there was obviously a mistake. We are sorry if there was an misunderstanding.

Answer: No Problem, end of story.

Instead, there are insults, major hostility, jokes about intelligence, threats and accusations that this member is just another person complaining about discrimination and hatred. Or,(quote) "just another one of those kind of people." That is so cruel and sad.

I thought that I covered all of what you said in my post:

#44 by Admin KarmaGirl - 5/28/2003 7:01:45 AM
The other idea is that there *might* actually be a bug in the code and it is not resetting dates for whatever reason. (gasp!...horror!) I think the T-Man is looking at it to make sure of it.
It could also be human error. (I know...that's not allowed). An admin can uncheck the reset date if they think it is being abused, which also means that they can accidentally hit that box.
My question is. (And this is a general question) Why aren't these types of issues sent to the admins as a question before they are posted to the public forum? If they were emailed, then we could look into the issue and fix it if need be after appropriate info has been obtained. When it is posted publicly, it opens a whole can of worms involving a whole bunch of people who ultimately get mad at each other.
KarmaGirl sits down to get her complimentary temple rub......

Everything that I posted there was the truth.  Here are the cliff notes version for short attention spans: could be a bug- T-man is looking into it.  Could be human error since admins can change dates.  If stuff like this happens- contact an admin so that it can be fixed without a flame war happening.

I see nothing in my post that shouldn't have explained the situation.

This board is in constant changes.  We are always improving it (which I assume people want).  If you find something that looks wrong, email an admin and we can look into it. 

on May 31, 2003
#23  by Wizop Koasati - 5/27/2003 4:06:34 PM
I have a silly idea............... maybe you should write one of the admins,
before you post a thread about how you're being mistreated.
All you have to do is click the About link, and you'll have all our email addresses

We really will try to help, when confronted in a civil manner..............

Powered by SkinBrowser!
on May 31, 2003
happy happy happy
on May 31, 2003
I have noticed a severe shortcoming due to the nature of the message board, and, that is how difficult if not impossible our tones of voice are to convey.
Unlike a telephone where inflections can be discerned, the message board can only provide the sender and the reader a "shorthand", condensed version of what we are needing to say and how we are trying to say it.
When someone becomes frustrated with a problem, the answer to a question here can be misread all too easily according to the mood of the reader.
Then there are those who have a "shortness" and perhaps "defensive" attitude that only enhances this unique problem, and some simply enjoy "stirring the pot" in order to "prove" themselves in a childish manner.
Several things are needed here:
1- When responding to a question, let's take time to understand what is being said by reading and thinking, not trying to be the first to respond for it's own sake. I for one despise being led to water like a horse on a tether, only to discover the leader didn't know where they were going and only hoped to find it.
2- When responding to a question, put yourself in the shoes of the other. Though you may have the latest and greatest equipment, not everyone else does nor can afford to. Please don't tell me I need this software or that hardware to do what I have already been doing.
3- Remember, no matter how smart you think you are - your not.
4- People have feelings and those feelings cannot be trampled over because you are in another part of the world hiding, such action to me is called cowardliness.
5- It is always easier to find fault than to find solutions, let us all work harder, and together.
6- Artists are a creative people filled with emotion and ideas trying hard to express themselves. Let us as Artists respect and understand we have freedom to express ourselves, and a unique place to show it here at Wincustomize.
on May 31, 2003
I am also finding those who are using the new "Quote" feature provided on this board are doing so in order to "provoke" if not "attack" others. I have seen children do this very thing, it's called "Tattleling" It also allows comments to be taken out of context and used against another.

Plus, the html use by the admins ect may be cute, but I find it offensive. When it is used, this tells me that I am regarded as second class in the Wincustomize community on the Wincustomize community board because I am unable to use it.
Just a few more things to think about, otherwise I see Wincustomize becoming just like "all the rest", and therefore not deserving of my continued support.
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