Published on July 22, 2003 By SelfExiled In WinCustomize Talk
Why does a moderator have to rate a skin at all? Why shouldn't the community decide the rating of a particular piece of artwork. Clearly, a moderator has artistic qualifications that they apply to a skin that will probably be a lot higher than the general public. If a skin passes moderation then let the community decide the rating should be for that skin. This will solve any rating bias or "politics" that an artist feels has been applied to his or her work by an administrator or moderator. And, if no one rates the skin, then it can say that this piece has not yet been rated. And, no ones feelings get hurt this way. I'm sure that an artist can figure out why his skin was rated the way it was, by the communities comments in the skin comments. Just a thought for something that seems to be growing in a negative way regarding the rating system.
Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 23, 2003

Kona....get it right....

Power corrupts.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

[That's how it goes]....

on Jul 23, 2003
That what I was trying to say just could not remember the aying
on Jul 23, 2003
RISE UP! The revolution is here!

Rage Against the Machine!
on Jul 23, 2003
#28 by Citizen hashonboat - 7/23/2003 1:48:58 PM I wonder if the CEO of say ..McDonalds would have responded to a customer the way Frogboy did? McDonalds has a good product but if their service was insensitive.. would they be as big as they are?Time for me to go and ponder these and others unanswered questions of life.

McDonalds? Well my first question to you is when the last time you ate at McDonalds. You are lucky you are not deceased because that is a place with no quality control …9 times out of ten your food will have some type of human fluids in it roach parts, rat hairs, and a various assortment of other wonderful things not to mention how unhealthy those processed fatty foods are to begin with. I would say to you consider what type of garbage you are shoveling into your face before you start worrying about the ratings of wallpapers or before you start critiquing people that mean you no harm… O no my friend concern yourself with, and address your dietary crisis first.
on Jul 23, 2003
I warned you anthony... hey grayhaze where are you?
on Jul 23, 2003
I don't think he needs your mere mortal assistance Kona....he is born of the Jackal.
on Jul 23, 2003
ha! you think i am mortal? what a fool. I am more powerfull than you might be led to believe!
on Jul 23, 2003
The only response that I feel neccessary to dignify is that of DavidK. I truly hope that he is a administator.

First of all, I will squash one attempt to slam me by saying that I am complaining because I got a low rating. I am not complaining because I got a low rating. I get very nice and fair ratings on most of my pieces. The reason I started this thread is because I too have seen unfair ratings and many fellow artists are hurting behind them. When I see admins like Jafo, making fun of artists concerns, it really makes me question his personal problems or personal agendas or his "politics" behind rating a skin. And, I begin to wonder if his "politics" are effecting the community in a negative way.

I do agree with one of the non-flaming responses by Jafo. I do agree that there are "politics" in the community as well, and that is a good point. When I say the term "Politics", some people want to pretend that it is some dreadful thing that is not happening here, and that I am some ignorant person spewing negativity. But, some people realize that this is not the case. I am just concerned for the feelings and fairness towards all my fellow artists.

Politics as Jafo said, are part of the community and part of the admins reaction as well. When a member of the community rates a skin for his friend high, and someone he doesn't like low, that too is politics.

Just like when an admin rates a skin based on his own personal skinning ability or his own personal feeling about a piece of work. Or, when a admin rates a skin by a long time submitter high and similar works lower. This is similar to a art critic rating a work low when the public might actually love it. I have heard of critics of Mozart and Michealangelo being given terrible reviews.

Therefore, it is difficult to rid this community of Politics by Jafo's own admission. He admits that admins and community members participate in this unfair endeavor. And, like DavidK said, I agree that ratings are probably necessary and his reasons were very well taken and read. Thank all of those who have participated in this thread with constructive responses to an issue that concerns many members. I felt it was neccessary to bring it to the table. To those with unconstructive, slamming, and ridiculing responses, I won't dignify them with a reply. And, it is clear that these type of people really hurt an artistic community and the reason it was neccessary to start such a thread as this one. I don't feel it is neccessary to name them, but you know who you are, we know who you are, and you are hurting a very nice artistic community. It is just sad when an administrator has basically become one of them and they rate skins. But, you know who you are, and we know who you are too.
on Jul 23, 2003
THAT took guts to say chase but be careful you might end up a visitor or exilied because what you said or gonna say is not what "they" want to hear....
on Jul 23, 2003
THAT took guts to say chase but be careful you might end up a visitor or exilied because what you said or gonna say is not what "they" want to hear....

And that is another reason I keep my mounth shut in front of authority... We are not free to write or bring up just anything here unless they will it most times...
on Jul 23, 2003
will let us I meant
on Jul 23, 2003
A lot of places where the use of ‘an’ would have been more appropriate then ‘a’...also a couple of fragments that I would consider revising, not to mention misspellings.
on Jul 23, 2003
I'm sorry Anthony Roberts but, I won't respond to anything non-constructive. I won't participate in personal attacks about anything, especially not regarding the use of "a" instead of "an" or sentence fragments when I'm just typing a topic on a computer message board and not writing a Essay or thesis paper. Attack my ideas where you can or want to, I guess. But, I don't believe you are responsible for your behavior or direction here. And, my next post from another thread regarding this topic will explain why, I don't think you are at fault.
on Jul 23, 2003
Okay I guess it is time to say something here. I'm sorry for singling out anyone but, I feel it needs to be said.

I read something very positive and constructive in hashonboat's responses and I feel it should be mentioned. I think the rest is not his responsibility but the result of leading examples.

"The reponsibilty for that lies at the top for not directing the community in a more nurturing direction and leading by example." (From Hashonboat)

Then I will quote Jafo's comments which do not lead by example.

"why should we waste our time on ingrates" (not leading by example)

So, artists here who submit free work only for the profit of Stardock are ingrates? Where would Stardock be and Wincoustomize for that matter without these "ingrates"?

"really says a lot for appreciating efforts, their true colours, and whether a person will actually be 'missed' as a valid contributor or just a pain in the butt."

So now, we are a pain in the butt, showing our true colors, for submitting work here for the profit of someone else?

"claiming the sky is falling due to 'Conspiracies R Us' or some such."

You say some of the most constructive and helpful things Jafo.

"Politics is not an still have a voice here, do you not?"

Another threat from Jafo. One of the many. Not helpful or constructive and definitely not leading by example. It seems to me that he is saying, if you don't like something you better be quiet or we may ban you. A dictatorship community?

"And you, ChasUGC are a superior being, capable of bias-free apolitical, independent and objective valuation....because you are NOT a moderator......what a load of unmitigated crap."

Insult me. Call me names. Say I am full of crap. Am I a superior being? Am I not human? Do I not bleed when cut? Oh Jafo, slash me up. Show this community how to conduct itself. DEFINITELY NOT LEADING BY EXAMPLE.

'Nuff said. But personally Jafo, and I'm sorry I need to say it, but I think you are a great example and explanation for the slashing, slamming and bashing that goes on here. And the reason many artists feel mistreated and leave. People like you, and hopefully you are of the minority of these types of administrators, rate skins with your attitudes spewed here, for all others to read, and you demonstrate as a good leading example of how to treat people and artists of the community.
on Jul 23, 2003
hey chase, you are not alone....
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