Published on July 22, 2003 By SelfExiled In WinCustomize Talk
Why does a moderator have to rate a skin at all? Why shouldn't the community decide the rating of a particular piece of artwork. Clearly, a moderator has artistic qualifications that they apply to a skin that will probably be a lot higher than the general public. If a skin passes moderation then let the community decide the rating should be for that skin. This will solve any rating bias or "politics" that an artist feels has been applied to his or her work by an administrator or moderator. And, if no one rates the skin, then it can say that this piece has not yet been rated. And, no ones feelings get hurt this way. I'm sure that an artist can figure out why his skin was rated the way it was, by the communities comments in the skin comments. Just a thought for something that seems to be growing in a negative way regarding the rating system.
Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 22, 2003

Do you know how the current system works?

on Jul 22, 2003
I'm guessing not.
on Jul 22, 2003
ahhhh........don't we have a thread on 'duh'........?????

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on Jul 22, 2003
on Jul 22, 2003
This was a waste of space
on Jul 22, 2003
If you have the time, check out 10 pieces from each section and I'll bet most only have the moderator rating. A smaller percentage will have 1 or 2 additionat ratings. Damm few will have more. Most people don't rate just say how nice it is. If more people rated then you would get a more accurate rating.

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on Jul 22, 2003

Chas...the way the current rating system works there is no way that 'politics' can affect the rating system at 'admin' or 'moderator' has one chance to post a rating, just like any other site member who can also rate. Proof that 'politics' never enters into the equation is that even from time to time when a person slips off the rails and becomes somewhat 'obnoxious' towards the site and/or its administration his works are still approved [or not]....rather than just rejected out of hand.

"politics' would more easily have the person removed from the site....and you'll agree that in reality those that have been removed clearly justified their the Scott Sproats of this world.

Politics in ratings is not an issue....what WAS an issue was 'certain' individuals cheating the [old] system, including exploiting an old 'bug' and rating their own works...[yes, it's sad]...but all that is solved, which is clearly evident by the improved dynamics/transience of the Top Authors listing...

on Jul 22, 2003
solution: no more rating
on Jul 22, 2003
#7 by Jafo: Politics in ratings is not an issue....what WAS an issue was 'certain' individuals cheating the [old] system, including exploiting an old 'bug' and rating their own works...[yes, it's sad]...but all that is solved, which is clearly evident by the improved dynamics/transience of the Top Authors listing...

Hmm. We have friends and family who are customers of this site and though we don't know if they rate us we'd think that would be kind of cheating. Wouldn't it? And how does one rate themselves?
on Jul 22, 2003
Sometimes, I rate myself a 10
Then I wake up
on Jul 22, 2003

e-bros...the self-rating 'bug' was squashed a long time ago....but the evidence still exists on some of the works...and remains an eye-opener for those who have seen it/them.

As for 'friends'....provided they have rating access..and do not 'blindly' prejudice the issue and give reasonable critique via the rating then well and good....but either way, as long as more people rate a piece a 'real' average reflecting a work's qualities will emerge...

on Jul 22, 2003
Ahhhhhhhh. Thank you for the enlightenment Master Jafo.
on Jul 22, 2003
Well it seems the old same thing here to me. Make fun of people who propose an idea (responses #1 - #5) and try to change the issue to something else, like problems with the old system which you say has been fixed. How does a fixed problem in the past address my current question?

So, why do moderators have to rate a skin or wallpaper at all? Let the community do it. That question still hasn't been answered.
on Jul 22, 2003

Because moderators are members of this same community.

Next question?....

on Jul 22, 2003
As for 'politics' of a moderator....if that is an issue, how about the 'politics' of a public individual? Explain the difference.
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