I thought this would be an interesting, non-political thread. I must say mine is probably Forsaken. Probably because I got terribly dizzy when I first played it. And, I love it when I frag someone who is talking trash.

1. Forsaken
2. Quake III Arena
3. System Shock II
4. Half Life
5. Tomb Raider (Laura brings back memories, or is that Lara? lol)
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on Sep 03, 2003

I play magic. must have put 2000+ dollars into my deck. Rares and super rares...

but now I play Yu-gi-oh. I only have three cards but I am working on more.

Blue Eyes White Dragon
Red Eyes Black Dragon
Dark Magician

And I have the 3 Egyptian God cards on the way!
on Sep 03, 2003
TFC and not much else. I would probably play BattleField 1942 but my computer is not powerful enough so every now and then I'll go play it at a friends.

My gaming consoles are collecting dust, especially my Xbox. Halo was the only game I bought for that system. I'll pop Vice City into the ps2 just to do some meaningless killing sprees but I have no intention of ever beating it. Bought and played Resident Evil 0 for a little while and haven't beaten it. Games don't have the same appeal to me anymore.
on Sep 03, 2003
whew, i'd fill up an entire page on here if i listed all my fav's, so i'll just keep it to pc.

1. Unreal Tournament
2. Unreal Tournament 2k3
3. Morrowind
4. Chess
on Sep 03, 2003
I like mindgames....Been a chessplayer for years, played nationally in Dutch tournaments at Wijk aan Zee...I liked Schizm (No violence, but teasing your logic). Myst. Hate all those shooting and killing and battle idiotism. I do like Flight simulator though.
on Sep 03, 2003
Riven (Myst 2) is my favorite game of all times.
on Sep 03, 2003
Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale series
Eye Of The Beholder
(D&D Junkie)
Need For Speed
Sim City stuff

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on Sep 03, 2003
anyone remember that one?

Planescape Torment

and I also like all "explore and click on everything you see.." games like the Myst series and others like it.

and RTS games like Red Alert, Warcraft usw. ... as long as it isn't a FPS...
on Sep 03, 2003
Yeah, I really liked Warcraft as well. Also Baldur's Gate and Diablo.
But I can't stand first person shooters either.
on Sep 03, 2003
Still have all the Apogee games

WOM, ever played Commander Keen?

I dont play games nearly as much as I used to...but one of my favorites is Age of Empires 2 w/expansion.

on Sep 03, 2003
SimCity has also found favor...The new SimCity4 looks pretty cool...
on Sep 03, 2003

#22 by aufisch - 9/3/2003 2:17:17 PM anyone remember that one?Planescape Torment

Planescape never appealed to me, But Diablo was/is a great game.

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on Sep 03, 2003
1) Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker
2) Irrelevant
3) Irrelevant
4) Please look at #1 again
5) Stop thinking about games
6) There is only one
7) It's up there...at #1.

on Sep 03, 2003
Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker2) Irrelevant3) Irrelevant4) Please look at #1 again5) Stop thinking about games6) There is only one7) It's up there...at #1.

Final Fantasy is a way better RPG..


on Sep 03, 2003
Sadly, I still like to play Midtown Madness 1 and 2. Heh heh heh...Pity me.
on Sep 03, 2003
EH, got Cmdr Keen, like I said, have all the Apogee games. Might reload them. Man, they are on floppies.

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