I thought this would be an interesting, non-political thread. I must say mine is probably Forsaken. Probably because I got terribly dizzy when I first played it. And, I love it when I frag someone who is talking trash.

1. Forsaken
2. Quake III Arena
3. System Shock II
4. Half Life
5. Tomb Raider (Laura brings back memories, or is that Lara? lol)
Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 03, 2003
Hey! Mine favorite are:
1) Warcraft 3 - The Frozen Throne (come see me in Europe bnet)
2) Transport Tycoon Deluxe (maybe someone reminds it)
3) Counter-Strike (of course, btw, I was a pro, now im not)
on Sep 03, 2003
Ok, "were" not "was".
on Sep 03, 2003
1) Unreal Tournament 2003
2) Unreal Tournament

Used to be quite good. My online gameplay is now rubbish - my broken mouse hand never healed properly. But at least I don't break mice as often as I used to!
on Sep 03, 2003
My list of games is turning into a "Nintendo of Europe are morons" protest more and more.

1. Front Mission
2. Ogre Battle
3. Fire Emblem

None of 'em were released over here. NoE thinks we're only good for crud platform and crap sports games. Even worse: Sony seems to be adopting that thought. Even though they released Final Fantasy (hurray!), Final Fantasy Tactics was never brought out here. Tactical RPGs seem to be a bridge too far. Blegh!
on Sep 03, 2003
Bomberman, by the way, still rules supreme as far as multiplayer goes (that is, multiplayer with a bunch of friends in the same room).
on Sep 03, 2003
Super Mario & Yoshi.
on Sep 03, 2003
I don't have the time to play a lot of games however when i get chance i like flying in Crimson Skies and IL2 Stormovik. When i was a lot younger i loved playing Sonic the Hedgehog
on Sep 03, 2003
Doreen is not a gamer but the one time I did give it a whirl EverQuest was pretty cool...
(just that it consumed my life for a while so they are alil too hazardous for me)
on Sep 03, 2003
oh and the why? because casting them spells was the bomb baybeee! I'd like to be able to do that in real life oh boy
on Sep 03, 2003

GrandPrix [2, 3, 4]....naturally....fair dinkum vehicle dynamics......

Mechwarrior [2, 3, 4]....Quake111 Unreal Tournament....good wholesome death and mayhem...[for when there's no exilin' to do]....

Most commonly played game?........Solitaire....

on Sep 03, 2003

Still have all the Apogee games.

Like Duke Nukem, Wolfenstein 3d etc.

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on Sep 03, 2003
Oh.....forgot Commando.....on a CBM64 emulator....
on Sep 03, 2003
Right now my favorite is 'Go Fish' with my 4 yr old. He's starting to get the hang of it but you have to watch him, he tries to cheat.
on Sep 03, 2003
Final fantasy 7
Final fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 9
Red alert 2
on Sep 03, 2003
Plus a non-digital game: Magic has got to be the most addictive game I ever played. Wasted way too much money on it.
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