I thought this would be an interesting, non-political thread. I must say mine is probably Forsaken. Probably because I got terribly dizzy when I first played it. And, I love it when I frag someone who is talking trash.

1. Forsaken
2. Quake III Arena
3. System Shock II
4. Half Life
5. Tomb Raider (Laura brings back memories, or is that Lara? lol)
Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 03, 2003
Spyro the Dragon on the Playstation platform. I like it because there is no gore, the puzzles are challenging but not impossible and it's cute

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on Sep 03, 2003
Tomb Raider
Duke Nukem 3D
Deus Ex
Grim Fandango
The Longest Journey
Clive Barker's Undying
Any Zelda game

Just to name a few...
on Sep 03, 2003
I like games that actually take me away from the computer and let me interact with others...
...a short list:


All are done with the sharing of some kind of spirits (usually wine) and good conversation.
on Sep 03, 2003
-Legend Of Zelda - A link to the past
-Pole Position
and my all time favorites Space Invaders & Gallaga

on Sep 03, 2003
1. Wizardry Series by SirTech - Wizardry 7 and 8
2. Ultima(s) 7 and 9
3. Might and Magic - World of Xeen
4. Warcraft III - However, I hate playing on Bnet because most everybody is a smart!@# and EXTREMELY childish.
on Sep 03, 2003
#34 by Skinner Apocalypse_67 - 9/3/2003 6:05:22 PM -Legend Of Zelda - A link to the past

That was also a fun game...
on Sep 03, 2003
Another one I used to play a lot was Tyrian by Epic Megagames...
on Sep 04, 2003
Wow people thanks for sharing your game trivia.
on Sep 04, 2003
The Wind Waker is cool indeed.

Now am I the only one that finds WarCraft III a little, shall we say, basic?
on Sep 04, 2003
Zelda was OK but it was disappointing to say the least. No cg movies!
on Sep 04, 2003
You know....it'd be some-what 'PC' to mention 'Galactic Civilizations' round about now......
on Sep 04, 2003
'Galactic Civilizations'

i played the demo...
wasn't impressed!
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